We Shall Eat Mango

Gharib M.Elmanssy
Women in her mid fifty appeared to have chronic high blood pressure and type
3 diabetic spoke to the camera as if she was speaking to herself , the women
said: I just need peace of meet or chicking, my pension is 300 pound a month
and I cant afford to pay rent , utility and food!
In unfair society like this the hunger is the most devastating
issue people can face ,especially when we claim we are Muslim nation and
contradict the basic fundamental of islam principal chairing and cearing.
If we look at what the women had said in big scope from economic point of
view we will find out the problem is between the ones they have it all and
the ones they have nothing at all.
Even in western countries - which are not Muslim countries -they guarantee
people four basic needs: food, health coverage, housing and Education. After
that you are in your own to face the capitalism.
Somebody might say we are poor country and we are not rich like the west!
And thats probably because we do not have clear definition of " poor".
In Economic poor mean you don't have fair access to economic opportunity, it
does not matter if you are educated or not, if you don't have access you
will still poor the rest of your life.
This dilemma is old as humman, and all the religion was about equal access
to the food and the water.
I can't understand why some people have everything and the other have
nothing in term of we are the same in the face of god as we being thought
all this year.
Give me peace of meat or chicken Mr. President , the women said and i feel
her pain in my heart and I hope somebody there with authority would listen.
Social fairness is Due right to all citizen and fairness in fact is mirage
we cant control but the basic is fair share , peace of meat or peace of
We are about Ramadan and food bank and charity can't help this unfairness,
we do need clear cut strategy : no body can go Hungary in this country , we
can produce our food supply if we have the wise leadership.
We do have massive land and we do have water and we have two sea and this
god gift prosperity suppose to be enough to feed everybody if we have wise strategy.
No human being should go Hungary.
God Bless
We Shall Let The American Understand Us
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -2
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -3
We Shall know the worst case scenario
We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians
We Shall Say Fuck You loud
We Shall Not To Be Foul
We Shall Eat Mango
We Shall Walk
We Shall Cut their nuts
We Shall Wait Little Bid More
We Shall Forgive
We Shall Celebrate
We Shall Stand Up
We Shall Overcome