مطبوعة الكترونية عربية مهتمة بموضوع المواطنة وتداول السلطة القانونى وحرية التعبير  فى العالم العربى  .. تصدر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عن المركز الأمريكى للنشر الالكترونى .. والأراء الواردة تعبر عن وجهة نظر أصحابها.


We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians

By:Gharib M.Elmanssy

In issue like national dignity once again the Egyptians people stand up tall to show the world that failing not an option.

They stood behind Nasser after june 76 war even though we lost the war but we never lost the battel.

Once again they stood behind el- cici to supply the money needed for redevelopment of Suez Canal even though the inner political weather not clear yet.

One can ask why the Egyptians is so eager to pay the sixty billion pound in matter of days?!! Aren't this people is the same people whom they complain about the economic condition and the short of jobs ?!!

Yes, they are the same people but when it come to national bride they stood united and they sacrifice their soul if needed.You must be an Egyptians to understand this unexplained behavier

Having said that we must acknowledge that just about 3% of the Egyptians support the brotherhood but the rest of the populations are for peace and stabilaty.

Average citizen prove once again to the world that he know political by heart and his national aspiration still intact .

In any giving day the media sell to the public false information but the people had their own filter which separate the fiction from non fection.

Egypt will never fail so long as we understand the rule of civilization and commonwealth .

Im proud to be an Egyptian and the world should walk like the Egyptian.

Walk like an Egyptian is will known song in the west.

We Shall Let The American Understand Us
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -2
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -3
We Shall know the worst case scenario
We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians
We Shall Say Fuck You loud
We Shall Not To Be Foul
We Shall Eat Mango
We Shall Walk
We Shall Cut their nuts
We Shall Wait Little Bid More
We Shall Forgive
We Shall Celebrate
We Shall Stand Up
We Shall Overcome


مصرنا ©





مطبوعة تصدر
 عن المركز الأمريكى
 للنشر الالكترونى

 رئيس التحرير : غريب المنسى

مدير التحرير : مسعد غنيم


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