مطبوعة الكترونية عربية مهتمة بموضوع المواطنة وتداول السلطة القانونى وحرية التعبير  فى العالم العربى  .. تصدر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عن المركز الأمريكى للنشر الالكترونى .. والأراء الواردة تعبر عن وجهة نظر أصحابها.


We Shall Say Fuck You loud

By:Gharib M.Elmanssy

Alaa Elaswaney the will known Egyptians writer is BOUGS !! No matter haw we try hard not to insult him there is no other nice way to say it.

Mr. Elaswaney writing talent is more less than the fame he get , he know how to network and position himself Always in the right place at the right time, and the best place for him in the time begin as we see to become the opposition writer, so he can guarantee more limlight.

I been reading most of his work since the january revolution and I can say with much confidence that Mr. Elaswaney know nothing about the complicated Egyptian personalty.

What anger me about what they called them-self big writer that they know nothing about Egypt deep root in the villages and unknowing citys, he write pre made ideas like frozen pittza.

Lets come close to the point I'm trying to make here: which route will make anyone more famous than the route of opposition? And this route make you look hero even though we are not looking for heroes, we are looking for honest ordinary people.

Mr. Elaswaney main topics is the same all the time , he never involve in economic issue nor he talk about strategy and national security which required more knowledge, he focus only in easy topic like human right and democracy which is open ended issue, and he become across over time as an activist more than writer.

" The answer is Democracy" become his main slogan and he never explain to his reader what his understanding of democracy and why is the democracy is important than education?!! And in country of at least sixty million people need rehab its hard to talk about anything than food and cost of living. The man become very disoriented to the point that make you think he write to american people.

Egypt in need of practical writer not the ones that write to the Egyptians while their aye at the american and their soul live in the bank balance.

We never say the Egyptians system is perfect, and we never say el sisi is god send ,but we allows optimistic trying to send positive massage to the public.

The writer job is to send hope not to paint the picture with fear and hopeless and pass-mastic to gain cheap puplicity.

Tomorrow will be better than today and we shall say " fuck you" to anyone say otherwise.

God bless

We Shall Let The American Understand Us
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -2
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -3
We Shall know the worst case scenario
We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians
We Shall Say Fuck You loud
We Shall Not To Be Foul
We Shall Eat Mango
We Shall Walk
We Shall Cut their nuts
We Shall Wait Little Bid More
We Shall Forgive
We Shall Celebrate
We Shall Stand Up
We Shall Overcome


مصرنا ©





مطبوعة تصدر
 عن المركز الأمريكى
 للنشر الالكترونى

 رئيس التحرير : غريب المنسى

مدير التحرير : مسعد غنيم


الأعمدة الثابته


      صفحة الحوادث    
  من الشرق والغرب 
مختارات المراقب العام


موضوعات مهمة  جدا

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الصراع الطائفى فى مصر
  نصوص معاهدة السلام  



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