مطبوعة الكترونية عربية مهتمة بموضوع المواطنة وتداول السلطة القانونى وحرية التعبير  فى العالم العربى  .. تصدر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عن المركز الأمريكى للنشر الالكترونى .. والأراء الواردة تعبر عن وجهة نظر أصحابها.


We Shall know the worst case scenario

By:Gharib M.Elmanssy

Suppose we are about to jump start our national economy , how that could be possible if we import one million ton of wheat from Russia this year alone.

And suppose our population will stay the same next year which is not going to happen.

And suppose our brothers in the Gulf state cut us lose from their financial suport?

And suppose the torriest decided to keep coming form everywhere to sinai just to keep our army busy.

Rational thinking will lead us to one questions: what is our "B" plan?

I'm firm believer of national salvation to our national problem, no matter how much support we get form out side world we will have to face our misdeed by the end of the day.

Until this moment I can't comprehend the false reason we been giving to justify not to grow local wheat and as they say its easier and cheaper to import it.

No nations will get full sovereignty without feeding its people from its local crowing wheat !! And no nation will take us seriously without national self sufficient food production.

Our Bogus thinker can say other wise to make us think we are strong , but the fact is that : we are weak than ever.

One good thing about the army is this people believe on planing, and we should plan for our short coming for not producing our food.

Perhaps thats the most challenging task we will ever face, but knowing the land, the water and the working youth is there it can be done.

Time is running out.

We Shall Let The American Understand Us
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -2
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -3
We Shall know the worst case scenario
We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians
We Shall Say Fuck You loud
We Shall Not To Be Foul
We Shall Eat Mango
We Shall Walk
We Shall Cut their nuts
We Shall Wait Little Bid More
We Shall Forgive
We Shall Celebrate
We Shall Stand Up
We Shall Overcome


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مطبوعة تصدر
 عن المركز الأمريكى
 للنشر الالكترونى

 رئيس التحرير : غريب المنسى

مدير التحرير : مسعد غنيم


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