مطبوعة الكترونية عربية مهتمة بموضوع المواطنة وتداول السلطة القانونى وحرية التعبير  فى العالم العربى  .. تصدر من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عن المركز الأمريكى للنشر الالكترونى .. والأراء الواردة تعبر عن وجهة نظر أصحابها.


We Shall Celebrate

By: Gharib M.Elmanssy

Lets be realistic once and for all and discuss why most people has issue with the army Generals when they become president?!! It become like empty slogan and we keep repating it ,even though we love the armed force as the nation most trusted institution.

To start with , most Egyptians males has served in the army and while the army se...rvice in Egypt is mandatory and by any mean the living there not collage life, its the most admirable memory in any one past.

Lets have rational discussions about this issue hoping to convince you that if we have honorable general at the helm that will be good for the nation and its people.

Through the history of the world , the world has seen the bad and good and the ugly generals, from Africa to north america to south america to the western nations, although many of them was bad apple ,few of them stand up high in the world history like De gool of France , Ezenhour of united state and Nasser of Egypt and recently the late Hugo Shovaz of venzweila.

Of course not every General can be political leader but any General has what it take through education and experience to operate in the large scale of public arena.

Having said that , for some reason the public remembers only the bad apple and they consider the good one as unexpected case, and we accept that but we must not believe it at its face value, even Mubarak was to some degree good political operator.

The generals is not bad people after all ,the reason they get their bad repetition i believe they deal with the mass with little resources and when the public demand more economic assistance than what they can provide ,then the generals under financial stress goes back to their roots and demand law and order.

You can add to that of course the mouslem Brotherhood bad mouthed them all the time, they have done it with naser back then as Elcici now because both man stand against their ideological mission.

Both Sadat and Mubarak played hide and seek with the brotherhood and thats why they both get heart in the end by them.

Nasser believed in using iron fest with them is the best solution and Elcici believed the same too !! because the two man was smart enough to know the danger of political religion. And you might say both man went back to their basic skill and demand law and order against this clan.

They bad mouthed both man and ironically their propaganda against Nasser worked and failed against El cici after the people see what is the brotherhood organization is all about, anything but relgion.

In the country like Egypt there is power structure like any other country, in USA the power structure lay different than the one in Egypt or any third world country, just happens Egypt power structure lay in the army .

And when the Egyptians liberals parties failed to groom trustworthy leaders and the brotherhood took over and produced the un - able morsey as our leader at this moment we discovered as people the crack in the power structure and Elcici fix the problem at once.

We are not USA to demand the same power structure, we still eat fool in the morning while the american eat pancake in the berakfast.

But that does not mean our power structure lay only in the army , we still had constitutions, able court system and elected Represintive ,however it does mean in the time of national crises it is better to have General Mohamed than Sheikh Mohamed in charge.

General R US !!

please consider to love them ..

God bless

We Shall Let The American Understand Us
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -2
We Shall Let The American Understand Us -3
We Shall know the worst case scenario
We Shall Walk Like The Egyptians
We Shall Say Fuck You loud
We Shall Not To Be Foul
We Shall Eat Mango
We Shall Walk
We Shall Cut their nuts
We Shall Wait Little Bid More
We Shall Forgive
We Shall Celebrate
We Shall Stand Up
We Shall Overcome


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